Dreading another dull day in the office? If you’ve lost your passion for work, it could be time to make a break. Find a job you love by asking yourself these six essential questions…
When trying to figure out your dream job, it can be tempting to do just that: conjure up a vision of a fantasy role where every minute is thrilling, the pay is stupendous, and the perks are to die for. But a more effective and realistic approach is to reflect on what you’ve liked and disliked about past roles. Use the learnings to inform your next move.
So cast your mind back to the last time you felt fully engaged and fulfilled in the workplace. Think about what it was that made you feel that way.
Was it the kind of work you were doing? Were you really engaged by the subject matter? Or the thought that what you were doing was making a valuable contribution in some way? Perhaps you were working at the cutting edge of technically. Or it was a role that gave you a chance to express your creativity.
Was it the pace of the work? Some people like to take their time and not be rushed. There are also people who love the adrenaline of fast-paced environments and tight deadlines.
Was it the way you were working? Perhaps you enjoyed having a lot of autonomy in your role, or perhaps you relished being part of a team? Did you enjoy having several projects on the go at once? Or did you love the chance to get really immersed in a single goal? Did you enjoy liaising with stakeholders and cultivating relationships across a business? Or did you relish the focus that comes with specialisation?
We all tend to be passionate about the things we’re good at. Without that core ability it’s hard to find a role where you’ll really be able to develop. Take a moment to think about your strengths and weaknesses as honestly as possible.
List out your skillset in as much detail as you can. Identify not just hard skills but also soft skills too, such as negotiation, dealing with difficult people, and time management. If you’re considering a career change, it’s always tougher to convince an employer that you're a good fit. Hence, it’s important to have done this work and thought about the transferable potential of what you’re good at.
They say you should never stop learning, and this is especially true in the workplace. No matter what level you are at, the important thing is to grow professionally and keep learning new things. That's how we keep our work interesting.
So do your research and find an employer that invests in their staff. Most employers will make positive noises about investing in the development of their people. But try looking on social media and employee review sites for a more complete picture. Of course, you’ll want to ask employers about their training and development opportunities at the interview, too.
A trendy company with amazing benefits packages can sound great on paper. Nevertheless, if the culture isn’t a good fit for you, you could end up miserable in your job.
It’s important to get a feel for a company’s culture before accepting a job. The working environment and the atmosphere in which employees work can contribute massively to your workplace satisfaction. Think back over your previous roles. Ask yourself: What kind of environment gets the best out of you on a day-to-day basis?
Again, a little digging on social media, the career page of a company’s website and employer review sites can be very revealing. You can look into what’s really going on at a workplace, culturally speaking:
Does it look like a culture that supports good causes in a serious way? Perhaps by encouraging volunteering or sponsoring charitable projects?
Does it look like there’s a lot of hectic socialising, or is it a calmer, more collegiate sort of atmosphere?
Do you get the impression of a supportive atmosphere where people’s successes are recognised and celebrated?
Does it look like a place where everyone pulls together till the job is done? Or is it more somewhere that majors on flexible arrangements and work-life balance?
Do you sense evidence of less desirable traits, such as presenteeism, a lack of innovation, or excessive bureaucracy?
Other than what the company has to offer you, think about the effect you want to have on the company. For example, if you enjoy helping others, make sure there are enough opportunities to do so before accepting the offer.
Depending on your motivation you might consider whether your potential employer offers:
The freedom to grow an area of the business
The opportunity to develop and lead new projects
Participation in mentorship programmes
The opportunity to take part in CSR activities
These points are good to share when you are asked questions about the job at interview.
One other key factor that impacts on the attractiveness of a specific role is where you are at in your own life. A parent of young children, for example, is likely to value financial security and the opportunity to work flexibly. In contract, if you’re footloose and fancy-free, you may prefer a role with less security but potentially higher rewards.
To ensure that the role has a good balance with your life, weight up all the cons. Consider which are relatively important to you. Think about length of commute, ability to leave on time, quality of pay and benefits, job security and working hours.
It can be tricky to navigate such conversation in interview without arousing doubts about your commitment to the job. But again a little digging around online can usually help you source some honest insights from the employee perspective. Do make sure to read several reviews, though, to get an informed consensus.
Finally, don’t put yourself under too much pressure to find that dream job. It may not come next time around, or perhaps not straight away. But by thinking hard about what really matters to you. You’ll have a better chance of getting there sooner.
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